Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sermons: The Fruit of the Spirit

My brother, Chip, and I really love listening to Bob Vincent's bold, clear teaching.  I encourage you to explore his other sermons.  Right now, we're going through this series on The Fruit of the Spirit.

Introduction to Fruit of the Spirit

Love: It's not about me

Joy: It's series business

Peace: It's not just no war

Longsuffering: It's redemptive

Gentleness and Goodness: They're not just synonyms

Faith: It's about a trustworthy God

Meekness: It's not about being intimidated

Temperance: It's not about self-control

If you need something a bit more basic, consider listening to his two sermons titled, "Hold Fast to the Basics" (part one and two).  I know I often need to go back to the basics of the gospel, and I encourage you to as well!

Hold Fast to the Basics, part 1
Hold Fast to the Basics, part 2

Sermon audio has an app for iPhones. I do not have an iPhone, but I often download sermons to my mobile (just click where it says MP3 on the page, I click the MP3 link that says "lower bitrate" by it). In fact, I'm listening to one now!

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